April 26, 2008

Tech skills have

. of Sciences and Technologies of the Cognition - Rome "Marie Curie" of Cernusco on the Ship of Goes them of Aosta-Universit?e the Valle?' Aoste. Technology and Didactics of the foreign language in the school and the Universit?' introduction of the foreign language, in particular supported from the use of the ICT?ttualmente object of great interest. With this number entrusted to the cure of the prof. first reflection means to begin one between teaching around to methodologies, technological atmospheres and experiences, proponibili in the instruction of Language 2 to several the levels scholars. Auspica that teaching others, associations and experts, will concur to enrich the picture of the possibilit?sistenti in this field with ulterior contributions, chosen for l&rsquo.applicazione of the techniques of Neurolinguistic Programming all&rsquo.insegnamento of the languages. Both the interviewed ones organize and offer teaching course of formation on the Neuro_linguistica programming. We read dall&rsquo.introduzione all&rsquo.NLP Integral in the situated one of Nick Owen Between our orecchie c&rsquo.?l pi?ofisticato computer of the world, our brain. Nevertheless we do not have some handbook that standards to obtain the maximum to us from our complex system mind-body. Here to what it serves the NeuroLinguistica Programming. Six in favor of a specific approach for l&rsquo.insegnamento of the languages. Which?l better council that you would give to teaching of languages. Which?a what pi?mportante nell&rsquo.insegnamento of the languages to the adolescent young people. What of tasks dell&rsquo.integrazione of the ICT nell&rsquo.apprendimento- instruction of the languages. Which are to your judgment the points of force and the points of weakness. Nutri a strong interest in the Neurolinguistica Programming. Which?&rsquo.idea centers them that it renders it interesting for the learning-instruction processes. Both in interviewed ours are declare to you contrary, with some differentiation, to a specific approach in reductive sense. Mario convinced Rinvolucri?uto-defined follower of the great church dell&rsquo.approccio humanistic all&rsquo.insegnamento of the languages. Nick Owen, pi?aico? favor of all ci?he works confidando in the abilit?el teaching to adapt itself with flessibilit?i various styles of apprendimento/insegnamento. L&rsquo.apprendimento of a language would not have to never be a barren academic exercise. Then, which better council to give to teaching. Mario Rinvolucri?ostrato a po&rsquo. restio to giving councils, orienting to us instead towards. Nick Owen invites to make our job to us with joy and above all to experience new modalit?rovando to change from the ten to the twenty for hundreds of our lessons every year. If we were students, which teaching we would choose: teaching with twenty years of experience or teaching with a repeated year of experience for twenty. Nick Owen thinks priority the relation teacher-pupil. ?necessario that teaching relazionino to realt?egli the pupils remaining itself faithful to the own values. ?importante to fix of the limits that can help the adolescents to exceed the phase of for the attainment the dell&rsquo.autodisciplina and responsabilit?ersonale. also attivit?i the collaborativa writing and creative through the communication mediated from the computer that not in the simple lesson d&rsquo.aula. Nick Owen says us not to be an expert for being able to analyze to points of force and points of weakness on junior clerks to you that it knows very little. All ci?he us to pu?ire?he whichever thing, if used in appropriate way to pu?ontribuire to create value added to the communication in class. Once again for both. We send back to their situated personal for ulterior deepenings. The articles of this first number are join to you from the search of a didactic planning for l&rsquo.apprendimento that you at a distance respect a healthy equilibrium between lessons in presence and lessons, made exception for the contribution of. In Italy the CEF e' known like QCER (European Common Picture of Reference). , teacher of English language near l&rsquo.Universit?i Florence, makes us to travel over again the linguistici circuits of the WebQuest. "?n' attivit?i oriented search, that she takes advantage of the potenzialit?idattiche of the web, and has like scope the acquisition and integration of the saperi. L&rsquo.esigenza of a didactic distance personalized and the spread of the technology, has seen to grow l&rsquo.interesse of, teacher maker for the primary school, describes the potenzialit?omunicative to us and interactive of a program much common one like, of the LEND of Bologna, reveals us the backstage of the Learning Object &lsquo.A Day in the life of.&rsquo. realized for l&rsquo.ambiente SOS students of INDIRE &ndash.PuntoEdu but tested in the real class of the first year of the biennium. it tells us of the ITCwelcome plan that has regarded adult students of advanced secondary school and, realized on platform opensource. They must not only develop abilit?i study useful for a corrected approach to the foreign language, but perch?pplicabili to their studies in a generalized manner. They have necessit?i to learn to develop the own abilit?ognitive and of memorization for a meaningful learning. L&rsquo.approccio to the resources, above all those on linens, must be graduates them, heuristic, strongly personalized, active and interactive. FORM@RE - NEWSLETTER FOR THE FORMATION IN NET.

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