March 06, 2008

98 degrees i do listen

. This blog is lodged by Top and Strong. I have just returned account to me which I seldom did not speak que.très about music here on my blog. I am however a "large amateur" of music. My radioblog reflects only partially my tastes and my musical culture. I am very open on many musical horizons. This guy there is and was a genuine travelling Juke-box, each time that it returned from Orleans Monday it had new CDs to make me listen. It is really at that time çi that I opened with the music. Those which me.connaisse well know that the music that I listening is in report/ratio in my state of esprit.du moment. For example when I do not have too the moral one I rather will turn to soft music, who make reflect, of the kind Lynda lemay or the classical music. On the other hand when I have serious potato like this evening, it is rather kind Afrika Bambaataa. the music désormais.vraiment forms integral part of my everyday life and I have evil with me to pass some. And you that you the music brings. Which report/ratio maintain with the latter. Bah yes that interests me of knowing what my visitors listen to, peu to be will make me vous.découvrir new artists. I benefit from this note to thank Ian for having made me liked and to discover the music. But it is not all, it also made me discover many good films. Bah yes inevitably, it is Ecossais.) Moreover you could cross it on blog under the pseudo one of Strogluns. The music has a place such as the most painful moment can become almost pleasant by a pretty song. All the day, I work in music and that slackens me and the patients. -) If one day, the music is too low, the patients claim it. Of all, energy of traditional to the heavy metal. that would be too long, I listen to really whole. You are finally a concerned dentist of the comfort of his patients. Music, Wifi in the waiting room. You say also do not serve the aperitif in the waiting room to relax your patients. For WiFi in the waiting room, you have a very good memory. that goes back to 5 months on the blog of Pierre. Music and whisky: one of both is with soup with moderation. I see that the tastes of Alexandre are the same ones as the miens. but I do not want to associate them my dentist. I like all that you quoted Alexandre. Cheer for the music in the cabinet it is a good idea. And also for Wifi in the waiting room, I will be able to take along my portable lol. If not with by that I like also the Scorpions group. and two pieces in particular (Wind of Change) and another trés melancholic person who names himself (Are you the One). The English Words are trés easy to include/understand. Ah with the fact, content that you board engraves Potato. Me as you know it is a little just like you. There for example I listen to the Fringants Cowboys at this time çi. Since the numerical era with the readers MP3 and all the tsouin tsouin it became even easier to live with its music. In the train, at the office, everywhere I can listen to my music. The whisky is not to consume with moderation. The more you drink some, the more you dances on the music see. Steph -- Me I like Still Loving You de Scorpions (it is in the radioblog). This song gives me desire for being under the feather bed with a pretty girl. Victor -- Will be necessary that you lends to a skeud Fringants Cowboys to me whom I listen to a little. I heard that they were in concert in Paris. I am not enough fan to go to see them in concert. I would spend surely Tuesday after midday to see you. Too much honest Yannick, you had the occasion to pass for a champion of contest of memory. Steph, I like also Scorpions. Great group when they want. Salut Yannick, I have read your blog for a few weeks and it is the first time that I leave a comment. I listen almost that rap and I am like you, I cannot blairer Booba. In all cases your article causes the reactions. Thank you for your blog, with the pleasure of reading you. Alexandre -- I do not like too this song (Send me year angel). Caien -- Thank you for your passage, with the pleasure of having your visit. And yes as you say, the article of Booba causes reactions. But let us not speak about the quality of the comments. Scorpions I was to see them in concert in a festival in Belgium with my brother they were extra.) y' was also, you are little to be cross. Ah little to be, the world is small thus say. I also listen to a little all for my part, I am in my musical tastes as in the life, open man:P. Me I do not like the music but I like to hear the bitches miauler. Not not I am not a butterfly. You know since time that I "the engel" it awaits is not more one obviousness for me. Ah my dear Steph one is almost all there. Good Ah you wait until one you sending an angel you. I listen to the album of wire of Tepu that you sent to me it tears. Te vla finally I tried to join all the evening to you. I believed that you were with Maeva but she said to me that she did not have a news of you. Puts on msn is necessary for you that jte speaks. You can dream my guy, I want more such. And then I does not put itself on MSN this evening I have too many taf, not time to discuss. Bah ouais it cartone this album hun, is not necessary proud for the title. You can dream my guy, I want more such. And then I does not put itself on MSN this evening I have too many taf, not time to discuss. Bah ouais it cartone this album hun, is not necessary proud for the title. Rhaaa is delirious it, I return from in a pal and one listened to Nougaro. His/her father even came in his piole to ask to him whether it were not him which had piqué CD. Yo the amigo that made plaiz that you speak a little music. I will not be spread out over your blog but I éspère although there will be the occas to dispute a few pieces Thursday. No the probs my hen, does not forget your laptop. in any event, I never leave anonymous message, you inquiete. and then I aaadddoooorrree the music, me, you will have guessed it, I espere: -). Euh, if not: The Cowboys fringants me also I like much. my name is Walter, I`m looking for the lyrics of the musics of the SUPERTRUMP. Content-type: text/plain. charset=UTF-8. Content-type: text/plain. charset=UTF-8. Content-type: text/plain. charset=UTF-8. The last updated blogs the last notes published the most popular tags is a trade mark of the company blogSpirit.

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