March 10, 2008

What area code is 866

Baby Shoes and Baby Booties by Robeez. FREE 2 STANDARDS DELIVERY when you purchase pairs Enjoy FREE 2 STANDARDS DELIVERY when you purchase pairs of Robeez Footwear on on all orders to European Westerns addresses (see country list below). Express options and delivery to other destinations will incur additional charges. Offer does not apply to returns or exchanges. Limited Time offer, and may end without notice. More For information and options, please see our. Questions and answers on all that that regards Robeez. Here under you will find answers to the questions that come to us frequently placed piú. If it does not find what it tries, it makes us to reach your questions or visits the page on for information adds them on the Robeez products. Sure É your system of purchases online. Your bancari and personal data are sure acquiring on whichever situated Robeez. Our situated one web uses the technology of criptazione Secure Socket Layer (SSL), that it renders the illeggibili data for anyone of it tried l’.intercettazione. This wants to say that active SSL é and that your data are to the sure one. As guaranteed the emergency of the personal data. Robeez takes to every possiblile precaution in order to guarantee the emergency of your personal data. The present data in ours database will not never come uniforms with third parts. These companies memorizzano, neither divide or have use of identifiable personal data for whichever ulterior reason. For ulterior information, it visits our page. Which forms of payment are possible. You can carry out your order through a representative service customers calling the 1-800-929-2649 from the Lunedí to the Venerdí from 7alle the 5 (hour standard of the Pacific) are not sure that my order online has been received. Your email controls in order to see if you have received the confirmation dell’.ordine from Robeez. In the case there was an error, you take famous of ció that it appears on the screen. After which he contacts a representative of the service customers for telephone or via. The representatives will control your order in order to verify that it has been received. For emergency reasons, not to supply the data of your credit card via o chattando with servicing online. As I can trace my order. We can supply the number that identifies your order after two or three days from the placing dell’. order. She contacts to us for telephone to the 1-800-929-2649 or through the servicing online, or via email. We will be lieti to trace your order. Where I can buy the Robeez to house close mine where you can insert your code mails them and to find the Robeez retailer close piú to you. You can dirmi which are the storees of my zone that have the model that stò trying. Since the Robeez retailers are independent, not there is possible to control theirs puts into effect them inventory in order to find the retailers of your zone and to call them directly. They will be able dirti which models have to disposition. Which are the popular designs piu. Ours classifies of the ten more popular designs comes modernized to every month for the designs more demands from our customers. Robeez has established the Heart program & Sole, which it donates indispensable footwear for children to society not profit and to agencies of beneficienza of all the world. If you want to demand a donation, introduces your demand via email to. As I can obtain a promozionale code. The promozionali codes are offered temporal published periodicamenete online or on the press in order to receive the last news, modernizations and Robeez promotions. When you have ended to add produced to your undercarriage online, this will show the list of yours acquires. If a promozionale code is active, inserts it in the field adapted and clicca the button Shipment. A new total would have to appear if the code were adapted for a reduction in price. Attention: it is not possible to arrange the promozionali codes with other reductions in price or promotions. As I can be recorded on your list mail and how much often you will contact to me. Simply it records to you in order to receive every containing month our email the last special Robeez news and offering. Periodically we send also modernizations on new products and promotions. They are available tickets d’.auguri or confection gift. Robeez offers a complimentario ticket service d’.auguri and messages personalize to you during the payment process. We offer moreover to a Service Confection Premium Gift, in order to add a special touch to your gift. For ulterior information care the shipment gift of Robeez, visits the page. Attention: The invoice will not come included with the purchases regalo.Il adressee will not see no relative information to the price of the gift. Of what they are made the confection gift. The Confection Premium Gift and the tickets d’.auguri Robeez are made of recycled paper and are riciclabili. That aspect has the Confection Premium Gift. The Confection Premium Gift is adapted to every occasion. The paper gift magnificently introduces in a classic decorated design of color green with reasons of cuccioli, and logo the Robeez in blue. Every confection includes a shaved ribbon of and a personalized ticket d’.auguri For ulterior information on like sending the Robeez for gift, visits the page. As Robeez gifts come imballati.i. All the articles of every order come together inballati in one confection gift accompanied from a single ticket d’.auguri. In case there were too many articles for one single confection, untilizzeremo more confection in order to repair l’.intero order. If wished to have every article manifactured separately and with separated ticket d’.auguri, we pray you to carry out a various order for every gift. At the Robeez moment it does not offer bonds d’.acquisto. For ulterior information on like sending the Robeez for gift, visits the page. As I can send one photo of my son and participate to your competition. We will be lieti to include a photo of your child with I wear the scarpine or stivalini Robeez. in order to send to your digital photo them. Automatically you will participate to our competition salary in order to gain a pair of scarpine Robeez, and we will be we to contact to you if your photo will be the vincitrice. The winning photo will come put in extension in the photo gallery for ulterior information and in order to participate. Or to send your photo via letter to:. Attention: the sended photos not verrano given back. When it comes included my photo in the photo gallery. We collect all the photos received to the end of every month and choose a winner between these. Us one wants week in order to prepare and to modernize to the photo gallery online. For how much time the photos are in extension in the gallery. The photos are in extension in the photo gallery for approximately 4-6 months. Is always possible to send one new photo, that it will come included with the next modernization. It is possible to place a single order for two seems of Robeez destined to two different deliveries. In presence of various deliveries, it is necessary to place an order for every delivery. I would want to send two seems of Robeez to two different deliveries. I must pay the delivery for every delivery. I must place orders separates to you if I want to send more than a delivery. If you want to send to two various deliveries, is necessary to place two distinguished orders. It is too much late in order to modify or to cancel my order. Since we send the orders the first possible one, it depends on the state of uo the order and if already it has been tried and/or sent. It is possible to contact a representative service customers to +. We will make the possible one in order to satisfy your demands in order to control to which countries we send from our situated web Robeez. In order to send orders in Great Britain or Europe, it uses our situated one web. When I receive my Robeez purchase. The majority of the orders work days to you arrive within 6-9 if sent from the United States and within 7-9 days if sent from Canada using the service express standard for options and ulterior information. Which is the procedure of restituzione/sostituzione of Robeez. If you have bought the Robeez footwear from a retailer or an other situated one web, test before to give back them they. For purchases online from situated for one the complete list of specific options for various situations. Robeez guarantees restitutions or substitutions within 60 days dall’. purchase. It is not necessary to give back l’. packing of the Robeez. For shipments from outside of Canada, it is necessary to use the service of regular mail. we do not accept restitutions through courier because of the customs taxes from incurred we. For guarantee of quality and authenticity of the product, the present Robeez sull’.etichetta under it tries logo wraps ankle of the skillful scarpina When it is appears the reimbursement on my statement of account. Once given back the Robeez, us want 5-7 work days to you in order to finalize the reimbursement procedure. When the reimbursement is emitted, of your credit card will appear on the next statement of account. For ulterior information, it visits the page. As I can become a Robeez retailer. We sell to migliaia of enclosed retailers boutiques and warehouses specialize to you all over the world. If a six retailer credited in America of north and six interested to sell produced Robeez, calls the 1-866-999-6393 or sends one to us. For ulterior information or in the case your store is outside of the America North, visits the page. If six interested to become a Robeez associate, visit the page. What is the Program Affiliated Robeez, and like I can participate. The Program Affiliated Robeez allows you to earn a commission being inserted banner and witnesses link that they direct to situated web the Robeez in your situated one. Robeez Footwear is partner of the Commission Junction in order to facilitate the Program Affiliated. Sign up now for Robeez Updates & exclusives offers Be the first to know what' s new at Robeez. Your email address will never be shared with to third party.

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