March 07, 2008

Charles county tax sale procedure

State de Gen? - - Trade register -. F?ier 2003: 234 new inscriptions with the trade register of Gen? Time of t?chargement estim? less than 1 min. exploitation of an office of?des and r?isation of real work work and services in relation to public works and the building work. Fiduciary SME-Councils, Anne-Laure Maechler held of comptabilit?conseils and assistance in management of company and fiscalit?conseiller in marketing for the purchase, sale, hiring and exploitaton of h?ls, caf?estaurants, night clubs, trade and buildings commercial. Import and export of products for human consumption and distribution of those, in particular of drinks etc. Soci? coop?tive of capitalization of comp?nces street of Future 8, c/o Office-Services, Heide-Marie Hartmann to put in r?au?nomic partners, which give to a?ic dimension?eurs relations m?nic g?rale, sale of machines and tools. BSA Copy & Conf?nce Services - Piguet Alain sale, council in mati? of machine of office, hiring and service of impression trade of shoes, objects out of leather, v?ments, bags, jewels and additional d?nagements, handling, furniture depository and filings kiosk with?cery, sandwicherie. d?nagements. exploitation of one caf?estaurant?' sign "Bar of the Island". trade of chemicals and plastics and all services relating to it exploitation of a cr?rie and sale of kebab?' sign "Cr?rie de V?naz". to advise commercial, sale, marketing real broking assembly vid? diffusion of animation vid?pour discoth?e. work of architecture, promotion immobili? and broking in the field of the real estate exploitation of caf?estaurant refreshment bar of the "Tennis of Confignon". exploitation of a company in the field of the installations and r?vations medical. The Business Humanitarian Forum Association which occurred of Peace 7bis, c/Centre for Applied Studies in International Negotiations d?loppement of the positive and r?proques relations of support between the business world and the organizations humane exploitation of one caf?estaurant?' sign "Miremont". councils in the financial field and data-processing street Jacques-Dalphin 37 A, c/o Fiduciary Befac SA public exploitation of?blissements, such as tearoom, restaurant, like all activit?s' paying to it caf?estaurant?' sign "ASIAN STYLE" and trade of objects of d?ration. put?isposition of temporary personnel, like all activit?technic, legal or financi?s being attached to it exploitation of stores of tobacco-newspapers like sale and hiring of vid?. trades of v?ments and additional exploitation of caf?bars. d?t of tobaccos, sale of newspapers trades of confectionery, drinks and memories international trade in the field of the p?ole and its products d?v? like all mati?s premi?s. the soci? do not exert any activit?n Suisse. formation and teaching of first aid installation in the field of the?ctricit?t?phone and data processing. Does holding Group Lombard, Odier, Darier, Hentsch & Co exploitation of a hearth of reception for handicap?mentaux?ut of r?bilitation. purchase and sale of pi?s d?ch? and accessories for two wheels psychologist of work and consulting in the field of d?loppement organizations and comp?nces. management of trusts and soci?s, like guard and monitoring of documents street Jacques-Dalphin 37a, c/o Fiduciary Befac SA. John Hobden - Blue Sky Limousine service of transport per limousine with driver. JTW, Jipguep Temi Jean-Olivier design, promotion, marketing, services and r?isations of products and services autiovisuels, musical and of?tions. which occurred Sainte-C?le 7, c/o Fiduciary Aufibel SA importation and distribution of duck foie gras, fish, game, poultries, meats, like all produced destin??' human consumption and all activit?annexes. Nowakowski-Rege-Volpe Undertaken G?rale d' Electricit?rue Rodolphe-Toepffer 11 (a), c/o Tavernier Tschanz, lawyers services and services in mati? of maintenance of buildings, commercial buildings and apartments priv? sale of articles for the kitchen and the table structures of int?or and design of articles for the kitchen and the table transport l?r nonautonomous people purchase, sale, import and export of products manufactur?ou not, in particular of textile products. AGS Accounts office, Dani? Cachin. coordination g?rale for companies of b?ments like all mandates of direction of work councils, cr?ion, formation in secr?riat, comptabilit?informatic, human resources and all commercial, fiduciary op?tions and financi?s. sale of mat?el various work of translation and interpr?tion in languages europ?nes in all Europe ex?tion of any mandate entering within the framework of a soci? fiduciary as well as the purchase, the sale and the exploitation of CIF? does restaurants, dance halls and h?ls. which occurred of Miremont 30, c/o Fiduciary ACC Administration the Council Comptabilit?A. boulevard Helv?que 36, c/o Unifinter, SA of Studies and Managements trade, distribution, import and export of finished and semi-finished products, in particular in the field of construction and of public works cleaning of all types of ventilation duct, air-conditioning way of Cr?-to-Champel 5, c/o FIDUCIARY ZUCCHERO SA trades, import and export of wholesale flowers and in d?il, like all mat?el referring street of the Old man-coll to it? 10 (a), c/o Jean-Fran?s Rochette. street of Hesse 8-10, c/o Poncet Turrettini Amaudruz Neyroud & Associ? lawyers to take part?a rebuilding and?' unification of peaceful Afghanistan while contributing to d?loppement and?a?nomic growth, by relieving the pauvret?en combatant hunger and the disease like by?minant the analphab?sme, etc op?tions financi?s like importation and export of products manufactur?ou not, goods of all natures acquisition of a holding?e such companies exploitation of one caf?estaurant?' sign "COFFEE OF PEACE". street of Rh? 50, TOTAL c/o HQ WORKPLACES SWITZERLAND SA Inc purchase, sale, distribution and repr?ntation of pharmaceutical products, products of sant?u of hygi? human, v?rinaire and plant health as well as mat?el m?cal. ?des, r?isations and activit?dans the field of the s?rit?ivile. provisions of services in the field of the finance and the management of fortune. Ferreira Lourenco Nunes, Magic Clean. road of Sauverny 6, c/o Soci? Fiduciary Sofidad SA councils, communication and management in the field of human resources social marketing (communication and search for funds for nonlucrative institutions?ut). cr?ion of v?ments and sale of marks of designer organization of exposures for the young cr?eurs in the field of arts appliqu?ou not Michael Wilson - CONSULTING TRADE DEVELOPMENT to promote the architecture of marks, free design of point, sale, shops, stands, design of products, consulting on the marks. Bernadette Davaudet?use van Koningsveld trades of pr??orter?' sign "the House of the Colors". street of Montchoisy 36, c/o Fiduciary Nicolas Berdat SA technical aid, activit?e consultant and ing?ery, in particular in the fields m?nic, iron work and ma?nerie. trade of syst?s and solutions of impression Import Export in the fields of the jewellery, of the clock industry, the jewellery and the m?ux pr?eux. exploitation of a center of r?exology, massage and Rei Ki. councils in mati? of naturopathy and flowers of Bach like trades of products and articles referring?es fields. ?tion, production, promotion and distribution in the fields of the audio and the audio-visual workshop of m?nique. maintenance of machines and engines street of the Rope-makers 14 B, c/o Marie Eve Ponti & wire exploitation of a?cery, food and traditional art?' sign "Abyssinie". purchase, sale, lease of all real goods, as well as?'?anger., pleasure boats taken and durable management of?outes participations undertaken?' exclusion of participations in soci?s immobili?s in Switzerland all fiduciary councils and engineering, n?ce and broking of movable and real objects, importation and export diffusion of publicit?par all m?a and by means of any support. JFH, Jean-Fran?s Henggeler?blissement of d?arations of imp? and tax lawyers exploitation of a bar restoring?' sign "Nazar". street of Stone-of-Niton the 17, c/o GO TRUST SA exploitation, animation, management and acquisition of?blissements public or priv? such as CIF? restaurants, bars, as well as the activit?s' paying to it. Secr?riat of the Foundations Immobili?s de Droit Public (SFIDP). provisions of services at the international level in the field of multi-media and tourism, in the commercial field, administrative, marketing and financial cr?ion, manufacture and subcontracting in clock industry installation, d?nnage, maintenance, administration, management, cr?ion, design, graphics and d?loppement in the field of data processing, Internet. Cr?, to promote and exploit services and supports of audio communication, image or vid? mainly by t?phonic or digital way, like very produced or service Swiss d?v?Association of the Companies of Hiring of Limousines & Minibus with Drivers (A. exploitation of a workshop of jewellery, manufacture of bracelets and cha?s out of gold exploitation of restaurant, importation and sale of foodstuffs street of Mont Blanc 7, c/o CFS Consulting Fidpar SA relative work?a d?ration as well of int?or as of ext?eur. exploitation of a garage, m?nic and trades of cars structures, d?loppement and distribution of software Web, intra-/extranet, mainly bas?sur technology J2EE. commercial op?tions and n?ce of mati?s premi?s and other products, at the international level. VMA Medical Vector Assistance, Jovanovic & Gross soci? of invoicing, of organization m?cale. trade, import-export of m?caux and medicinal products consulting m?co-legal placement of personnel m?cal. administrative, countable management and financi? like office automation work of pon?e and vitrification of parquet floors, like cleaning of companies street of Servette 67, c/o Fiduciary Cabinet Jean-Fran?s Duke management and administration of companies in Switzerland and?'?anger, in particular in the li?aux fields human resources to carry out all work of rev?ments and r?vation b?ments. to conceive and carry out all m?llic and m?nic building work, like all prototypes activit?en mati? packing, in particular manufacture and distribution. PROSCA Association of support for the people touch? by the cancer of the prostate way Frank-Thomas 34, c/o ALBER & POKER Auditors Associ?SA. street Robert-C?d 6, c/o Serge Ganichot Internet-caf?import-export and distribution of goods, food, food and drinks exploitation of an agency of communication (graphics, illustration, audio-visual). council financial, banking, tax and?nomic in Switzerland and?'?anger. Design, r?isation and?luation of humane projects and coop?tion in Switzerland and?'?anger etc street of Corraterie 26, c/o BfB Soci? Fiduciary Bourquin Fr?s and B?n SA d?loppement and construction of dwellings, such as individual villas, allotments of villas, buildings rental, transformation of b?ments, like all activit?nnexe. Velen-Testuz, School of cut-seam-mod?sme Figurinisme Frei?le priv?professionnel of cut, seams, mod?sme and figurinism, that is to say stylism for figurines street of G?ral-Dufour 11, c/o EC. Capital Venture SA exploitation of centers of physical culture and activit?associ?. services in the field of construction, like importation and distribution of all produced relating to it acquisition, administration and management of participations?es soci?s commercial, financi?s, industrial or immobili?s. research, cr?ion and exploitations of new techniques, etc g?nce, councils, broking, comptabilit?t fiscalit?exploitation of one caf?estaurant under the sign "caf?estaurant of the Small valley", like all activit?y relative. Soci? Coop?tive of dwelling PRE-COLOMB boulevard of Philosophers 9, c/o Charles-Henri Deshusses. Back Enxovais, Pedro Ferreira put. At Jeannot, Val?e Nieto. ex?tion of all mandates of consultants?de and councils in mati? of management and others consulting data-processing formation sales and installation of software and mat?el. fiduciary office, fiscalit?comptabilit?assurances social and priv?, council, management, commercial transactions and financi?s, all types of mandates and services, transactions immobili?s. hiring with or without driver, purchase, automobile sale of v?cules, h?copt?s, planes, boats security service rapproch? purchase and sale of pharmaceutical products, like all other products and articles avenue Cardinal-Mermillod 36, c/o Soci? Fiduciary Pr?sia acquisitions, promotions, sales, r?isations, hirings of objects and goods real painting in b?ment with sp?alit?e d?ration and work referring to it trade of jewels, diamonds and articles of clock industry, like all articles referring?a jewellery activit?d' purchase, sale, importation-exportation of articles and accessories vestimentary and exploitation of a shop of clothing council, recruitment and placement of fixed and temporary people, like management and d?loppement of human resources. Car-?le of Trois' L, Tissot-Daguette exploitation of a car-?le, to exempt courses of th?ie, of sensitizing, first aid and of practice trades and installation of apparatuses m?gers. fitting of kitchens, bathrooms and cupboards work of joinery and?nisterie. provision of services and trade of all produced in the fields of data processing, of?ctronic, the t?communications, s?rit?nformatic and other technical fields and technological purchases, sales and r?rations of antennas, alarms and services. the soci? ex?ter any op?tion mobili will be able? li??on activit?gestion of fortune and inheritance, council in mati? placements and investments, analyzes financi?. contr? of management and follow-up of the activit?bancaires for the account of customers priv?et undertaken sandwichery with service delivery?' sign "Sandwicherie on the Inch". distribution and sale of high-seam, of articles li??a mode, accessories, shoes and leather working import-export and marketing of all produced relating to it trades of goods of all natures, in particular of p?ole and similar products, above all on the continent europ?. exploitation of a snack bar?' sign "Marmara". places of Molard 3, c/o Pestalozzi Lachenal Patry, lawyers all op?tions to Switzerland, of treatment d?xication, neutralization, transformation, destruction, r?p?tion, r?n?tion of all d?ets, exploitation of d?arges. consumable sales of supplies and for the m?nic surface treatments?vurage?risage and polishing cr?ion for this m? drank branches in Switzerland and?'?anger. cr?ion and trades of works of embroidery exploitation of patents, marks and proc?s relating to it purchase, importation and sale of all produced with the international civils servant and/or all people with the b?fice of a chart of l?timation. course of languages, cr?ion of supports p?gogic multim?a. linguistic assistance biographies of companies management of fortune, like financial services and councils production, marketing and distribution of sant?cosm?ques, chemical and natural relative products?a import-export promotion and research on products PEX (poly?yl?s r?cul? in Europe, in various applications avenue William-favre 40, c/o Naja Kjeldsen. way of Quoattes 12, c/o Sibyl Meeus-of Chastel of Howarderie. distribution and sale of all esp?s of fuels, products p?oliers raffin?de any kind, as well as similar products. It can exert these activit?dans the whole world, mainly in Central Asia provision of services in the field of the propri? intellectual company of cleanings, caretaker's lodge, end of building sites manufacture, sale and installation of blinds in all kinds and all activit?' bringing back to it d?ration of int?eur. cr?ion and sale of movable objects as well as articles of d?ration. clothes industry of curtains and nets curtain council and provisions of services in the commercial, administrative, financial fields and of management repr?ntation, broking and commissioning for the account of third avenue Pictet-to-Rochemont 8, CAPITAL c/o GMG SA. International Environmental Resources Laura van der Meer to inform and advise the soci?s, associations commercial?ocation, as well as the not-governmental organizations in mati? international conventions and environmental agreements. Do MTKA Asset Management and Consultancy SA run of the Bastions 3bis, c/o Synergiplus limited liability company activit?e councils and of management of inheritance, in particular of inheritance of family activit?e councils, management, research and analyses in mati? investments in Switzerland and Europe, in particular in the tourist sector d?loppement and marketing of instruments for pharmaceutical research and biotechnique. importation and sale of denr? food and of products manufactur?dans fields of the textiles. Street of the Well-Saint-Pierre 4 - Post-office box 3597 - 1211 Gen? 3 - T? Street of l&rsquo.H?l-of-City 14 - CP 3984 - 1211 Gen? 3 - T?

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