March 12, 2008
File complaint against insurance of oregon
: In these times universal d’.imposture, statement the v?t?st an act r?lutionnaire (G the chief of the NPD condamn?our incentive?a violence (ATS/SwissInfo, 25 ao?2005 18:56) - pr?dent party [ …. ] does German NPD, Udo Voigt, have? condamn? four months of prison with deferment for incentive?a violence. It had appel?es?cteurs with the “.combat arm?8221. in a speech in 1998 during the derni? countryside of the l?slatives ones. Does the sentence have? prononc?par a court of Stralsund (north-eastern of l’.Allemagne). The tendencies x?phobes are reinforced in Russia. They quote effectu??mment the r?ltats d’.un survey by the Expertiza foundation. But 43% of the sond?ont avou?ue the pr?nce of “.non-Russes”. obscure their existence. (Article of Vincent Engel, publi?ans the Romans said that “.nomen is omen”., qu’.un name gives a destiny. My p? had, on this question, very an other opinion. All Engel do not n’.?ient g?es and undoubtedly were there l’.un or l’.autre Wagner which?it a type well. Did Apr?guerre, l’.Allemagne of l’.Ouest undertake one impressionant work of m?anger for?diquer the roots of the Nazism in the culture and the soci? allemandes [ 1 ]. Does Switzerland want to fight l.antis?tism Isra?inaugurait Tuesday its new mus?d?? Shoah, in pr?nce of tens of leaders of the whole world, whose pr?dent it Swiss Samuel Schmid. Little before the c?monie, this one?rgiquement has affirm?a r?lution of the autorit?de Bern?utter against l.antis?tism. Do C.est pr?dent it isra?en Moshe Katzav which has donn?e blow d’.envoi driven c?monies for ḻ.inauguration of new? L.?nement is pr?nt?n most important Isra?comme since the fun?illes of the Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995. New the mus?de Yad Vachem, ultramodern?’.architecture, are four times larger than its pr?cessor. It s.?ve on the Herzl mount?̱.int?or of the p?m?e of the m?rial of Shoah, which intends to mark the bond between the victims of the Nazism and l’.Etat will d’.Isra? Which inscription for the monument?a m?anger of Sinti and Romas victims of the Nazism which s’.appr? to?ortir of ground?erlin. Sixty years apr?la fine of the Second world war, a m?rial?a m?anger of Sinti. Whereas the minister d?gu??a Culture, Christina Weiss, has annonc?e d?t building work, according to plans' of l’.architecte [ isra?en ] Dani Karavan, the repr?ntants of the victims do not arrive?’.accorder on the d?mination of the victims. The d?t on l’.interdiction of the “.parti n?nazi”. NPD began again of more beautiful. In full Nazism, the Swiss ones collaborate?ne constitution for future Europe f?rale. This 4 d?mbre, the Movement europ? Switzerland, rebaptis?n 1998 New Movement europ? Switzerland (Nomes), c?bre its 70e birthday??, o?l was fond?e June 24, 1934. Without being able to return to justice?ous its actors, this brief aper?laisse to foresee l’.importance of its action and the d?ts which melt it. Coup?du world by fronti?s ferm?, did B?is feel more qu’.ailleurs the trag?e of Premi? World war. In this m? city, in 1930, the Movement paneurop? of does the count Coudenhove Kalergi hold congr? It s’.agit for the congressmen to transform into popular call l’.initiative diplomatic for a Union europ?ne lanc?l’.ann?pr?dente by Aristide Briand. In the foul? March 2, 1933, one month apr?la taken of being able by Hitler, a group of people constitutes the comit?’.Europa-Union. This last organizes a great demonstration with the Casino, May 17, 1933. L’.?rgence of IIIe Reich?auffe spirits. The demonstration has a?rme repercussion in all Switzerland. Patrie and communaut?es people constitute HT? exchange of the proclamation pr?nt?ar Hans Bauer, future pr?dent of our movement. Form part of the comit?es personnalit?du university and?nomic world, of which the Bernese chocolate manufacturer Theodor Tobler. The 20 f?ier 1938, l’.initiative is adopt?par the people and the cantons. During does the war, the movement anticipate the end of the hostilit? In 1940?erne, the guiding principles d’.une f?ration europ?ne are?blis. IVe world war and machines of IVe esp? The war of the Worlds or the Large Civil war Plan?anger. J?itic L.hypocrisy of our contemporaries n.est more??ntrer. One made processions and festivals, one sold the Wall of Shame in pi?s d?ch?. The NPD in congr?pour a popular front of right-hand side. Ernst J?er, the r?s d’.un man German L’.intellectuel centenary was 70 years old when it has commenc?on Journal, and it l’.a held during 33 years. Does L’.ultime volume come from para?e in fran?s. was domin?ar the d?rs of libert?t d.?lit?Ces two cardinal values have? betrayed. They endure the capacity mondialis?u march?de the technoscience or of the communication without never being able in d?der the course. The modernit? proclam?es droits. without giving the means of exerting them. Face?̱.antis?tism suppos?e some: ?e pro-Zionist. Several clean expressions and attitudes?hoquer retained l’.attention during these derni?s weeks. There was, well S? l’.affaire Mugny-Dieudonn?sur which it is useless to return. Of mani? more g?rale, let us say simply qu’.il is necessary always?e r?cent in front of a id?de censures particuli?ment lorsqu’.il s’.agit d’.humour, f?il?ntuellement bad go? For example, with regard to Isra?et Jews, it n’.est not tol?ble of mimer of the amalgams with the Nazism. The question of this limit s’.est pos??lement in a coll? Genevese. A?ve, nourished d’.une sad litt?ture r?sionnist, proposed an aiming work, pr?s?nt?elativiser, if not?ier the policy Nazi ḏ.extermination of the Jews. Direction of the coll? chose to put l’.?ve in front of the documents painful and shouting which make of very questioned absurdit?dieuse. The m?ode chosen by the direction of the coll? A can -?e its efficacit??gogique. But it should be known that this kind d’.incident does not occur isol?nt. In margin of that, one conna?le d?t between Jewish intellectuals. The premi? r?nse is probably truer with regard to the majorit?es people likely to let themselves go on this slope. But one cannot?rter the second at some. Of all mani?, l?ussi, it imports d’.?e to tr?clair. C’.est a thing to say to them that l’.on would like, sometimes, more distance from their share screw-?is of the Sharon policy. This?t d’.esprit and this policy thus invite?a vigilance and?a fermet?nvers any mobility extr?ste with the relents naus?onds. L’.extr? couldn't right-hand side either make forget l’.extr? left, whose terrorism has secou?es Western d?craties. And the most serious risk, for tomorrow, r?de in l’.extr?sme Islamic. The police force has constat?’.existence d’.un hard core of 50 skinheads. L’.endoctrinement of the teenagers inqui? professors and?cateurs. Between the skinheads and the racailles., the war is d?ar? The pub Big Ben became their district g?ral. Since two months, l.extr? right-hand side genevoise is found in this bar “.On is well here, one is between nous”., entrusts Daniel *, young person skin “.identitaire”. from 19 years, currently with the coll?. “.Et those which come to seek us us trouvent”., informs it, (to read below). Do last Friday, not far from l.?blissement, some have them trouv? This brawl r?me not?ne meets fortuitous. Recently, l.expansion of l.extr? right-hand side?en? is a visible r?it?ien. The police force has constat?.existence d.un hard core d.une around fifty of skins n?azis?s of 17?5 years. The d.Onex communes, Bernex and Confignon in particular, saw pushing on their ground a movement d?d?organis?t particuli?ment young. Social workers except walls of the r?on have tir?a bell d.alarme in June 2003. They then have observ?a birth of?aract groups? nationalist which organizes “.raids”. against the rappeurs d.Onex “.pour d?ndre”. Do D.apr?les?cateurs of the r?on, certain militants handle the fist and the verb with a m? dext?t?Face?ne avid youth d.identit?m? main road, the arguments can make fly. With The Coll? of Saussure, the direction is alert?d?t 2003. At the time d.une r?ion between professors, parents and?ves, about the coll?ens complain, for the premi? times, d.inscriptions racist on the desks. With the rentr?suivante, two graffiti are d?uverts on a wall of l.?blissement: “.Les Jewish with the four”. and “.Black, go home”. Are the inscriptions effac? but it Malayan remains. Leaflets antimusulmans are then retrouv?dans the racks of the?ves. Do parents s.?nnent?lement change d.attitude and of look (Cr? ras?t bombers) of their son. But this small group is not satisfied with d?ndre Switzerland. It supports also th?s r?sionnists. A?ve of 4e ann?va m? jusqu.?roposer?on professor d.histoire a work which calls into question Shoah. With the coll?, one h?te between “.interdiction and accompagnement”. The direction chooses the second way for “.montrer?.?ve why it trompait”. Confront??es coll?ens d.extr? right-hand side, it refuses for l.instant any id?d.exclusion. Another subject d.inqui?de of the professors and the?cateurs: l.endoctrinement of young teenagers. In particular with the Cycle of Vuillonnex of which skins tra?nt “.pour to around come to await buddies and copines”. In this?blissement, since a ann? several?ves supports identity th?s. Does the direction have d?aire to remove walls of the stickers destin??a promotion of Internet site d.extr? right-hand side Avant-garde. In class, of such adh?fs were also on certain books. In the district, several neighbors and parents say pr?cup?par the situation. Like l.Association of the inhabitants of Bernex-in-Combes, who s.inqui? not very conventional gatherings of “.cr?s ras?qui go in file indienne”. By an irony of l.actualit?ce movement incipient d.extr? right-hand side d?loppe on the m? MOD? that the policy d.immigration: according to three circles. First is constitu?.un hard core of young people id?ogues form? charismatic and dot?d.une r?le force of persuasion. The deuxi? rings, is to him D? more?ndu and more disparate. “.Je became fascistic when I was made to tap?ar rabbles. Aujourd.hui, I am before a whole identity militant. Close-cropped hair, bombers black frapp?d.un eagle juch?ur a cross gamm? m?oire carr? Does Daniel never pass inaper? Not more than its speech. This evening-l?aux Brewers, Daniel and his friends d?ngent. “.? me fout really balls to remain sitted?? of these fachos”., grommelle a young man, about thirty?usant its Bi? d.une gorg?rapide, before leaving the table. “.De any F? here, c.est a pub of gauchos”., rench?t L?, a young person skinhead?diante in horticulture. “.Au d?rt, our clothes are idiot? for?e practical. In the event of brawl, the bombers cannot be turned over. Better, some d?ent the blades. Between the skinheads and the “.racailles”., the war is open. “.Quand I was made treat of dirty Switzerland, included/understood was necessary agir.”. Then are Daniel and his friends regroup? “.Nous let us not be only, affirms it. In group, we are stronger. Daniel ensures does not fight qu.en last recourse, when the more possible dialogue n.est, that the risk is imminent. “.Bon, well S? one is sometimes oblig?.organiser punitive exp?tions, l?e-t-il.”. He estimates “.combattre the evil by the evil. Parce qu.on knows that if one n.agit not, one goes y passer.”. L?acquiesce: “.Et the Swiss race will be lost. Enthusiastic catholic, Daniel is convinced of “.l.inf?orit?es noirs”. He n.y “.Spirituellement does not see contradiction with his faith we are all?ux. But God made men better than d.autres.”. This n.aime not in the juda?e, “.c.est qu.ils consid?nt as people?”. believes Him in “.la sup?orit?e the white race europ?ne. But this n.est not parce qu.on is a sup?or qu.on owes?aser the autres”., pr?se he. As for the Moslems, it fights them. “.Je do not want that my wife carries a bag dustbin on T?: c.est?ux of, not?ous. Daniel, L?et the others say to suffer from l.intol?nce. “.Pourquoi I will not n.aurai the racist right d.?e. More and more of buddies of class s.en return account. In my coll?, one is D? seven or eight identity. Patrick *, an apprentice of Cepta joined the table of the bar. He is those which cultivate relative a discr?on. “.Je, but I am Nazi m.habille normally. “.Depuis a few months, the ph?m? skin takes of l.amplor, confirms this police inspector, which follows the file. And?nt more, they are smelled more extremely. They s.affichent more openly and allow things qu.ils did not n.osaient to make front. M? s.ils is not yet?.origine d.un large fact various, that risks d?n?r.”. Other observation of the police officer: the volont?e to recruit young people “.afin to use them for some actions”. D.apr?cet inspector, the ph?m? n.est not new. But front, these groups?ient almost anecdotic. The members of the d?t aged, m?, but without changing They are structur?de mani? diff?nte. They have d?lopp?e new forms d.organisations. “.Ils was satisfied then with this tr?ponctuelles d.actions kind. They did not n.osaient to be trotted downtown fi?ment by exhibant their look skin, as they do it now. Recrut?jusque in the Cycles d.orientation. “.L?ussi one notes an important change, rel? l.inspector. One notes a certain fascination for l.extr? right-hand side at the teenagers. Then qu.avant, they?ient especially attir?par l.extr? left. In the judgement of Nuremberg, the Germans were recognized guilty to d’.avoir, in the camps, subjected the d?nus?es “.exp?ences cruelles”.:. Lastly, one exp?menta the st?lit?’.hommes and women by x-rays and d’.autres m?odes”.[TMI, T. However, March 25, 1993, l’.hebdo VSD informs its readers that during the Second World war, the Pentagon had expos?“.Entre 8000 and 10000 soldiers am?cains of 17-18 years to the mustard gas protective to test l’.efficacit?es v?ments and of the?az”.(p.49)”.Ceux masks which refused l’.exp?ence?ient menac?de forty years of prison and high treason s’.il parlaient”.(Id. R?lations in cascades followed thereafter: the 29 d?mbre 1993, did the press fran?se indicate that, in the ann? 50, the exp?ences on the human guinea-pigs s’.?ient multipli?: - handicap?mentaux teenagers had re?des radioactive meals. -751 did pregnant women of Tennessee have Re? without the knowledge of the radioactive pills which administrated an amount to them thirty times sup?eure?a moyenne…. Still Worse by the continuation in the ann? 60, do these exp?ences have continuous? - patients hospitalis?re?ent of small plutonium amounts in order to follow to become it in ḻ.organism. C’.?it of large patients D? condamn?pour the majority but all could not thus?e class?dans this cat?rie., a workman bless? the leg Re? a plutonium 239 amount. Three days later, its jambre was coup?et emport?par the researchers. - In 1963, 131 d?nus of l’.Oregon and Washington re?ent a strong amount of x-rays with the testicles so d’.observer the effects on the spermatog?se. Thereafter, the d?nus of l’.Oregon were vasectomis? Pout all these facts: Voy. Conclusion: Exp?ences on the human guinea-pigs: 1.) If those are effectu? by the “.nazis”. “.exp?ences pseudo-scientists which prove the m?is l’.homme and the sadism of the Nazis. Owe?e unceasingly recall? with general public in order to condemn the “.nazisme” radically. 2.) If they are effectu? by researchers am?cains: d?rche scientific traditional of which l’.objectif is to advance science m?cale. Are thus by no means condemnable, m? s’.il is better to hide them with large the public…. To have more d’.informations on this type of r?blissement of the v?t?istorique one: The political style of l’.UDC shocks the line and its poster with. The radical Party has d?d?e not to collaborate with l’.UDC during the program?ctorale pr?dant the voting of May 16. The radical Party has d?d?undi to take its distances. C’.est style of l’.UDC, increasingly more aggressive, with the heinous relents and d?grant its political adversaries, which does not pass any more. Un Parti lib?l does not treat its adversaries of rats, regretted the vice-pr?dent inhabitant of Zurich of the PRD, Ruedi Noser. More question thus, for the radicals, to collaborate with l’.UDC about the three subjects which will be subjected to the popular vote on May 16 before m? the d?sion of sound assembl?des d?gu? divide the m?s point of view that l’.UDC: not?̱.augmentation of the VAT to finance the retirements, yes?a 11th r?sion of l’.AVS, yes with the package of tax r?ctions. Do the radicals thus have d?d?e Cr? their clean comit?lib?l. for the countryside of unworthy 16 May, it is?’.oppos?es values lib?les., according to Christian Weber, spokesman of the Swiss radical Party. In al?nic Switzerland, l’.affaire of the red rats. took a r?nance particuli?, and F?ration of the Protestant Churches of Switzerland A. L’.attaque n’.est not without recalling ḻ.utilisation of the rats by the Nazis in their propaganda antis?te. Yves Bichsel, spokesman of l’.UDC, s’.enferre in a long explanation on les red rats who nibble the fruit d’.un p?ble work illustrates [ ant ] perfectly the dramatic situation in which Switzerland is currently. Thursday, at the time of the r?ion pr?ratoire to the talks with Watteville, between the four pr?dents of the governing parties, l’.atmosph? ?it d?streuse, according to a t?in. Radicals and PDC took their distances face?’.UDC. Pr?dente AD interim of the PDC, Leuthard Dory, had a?ange words tr?sec with pr?dent of l’.UDC, Ueli Maurer, accus?e to rot the political climate. And its party has against lanc?ne warning pol?ques les and the vocif?tions partisanes.. The Socialist of Vaud Pierre-Yves Maillard fears that l’.UDC n’.ait for strat?e d’.habituer Swiss the?n degr?oujours more?v?e provocation. Apr?les r?gi? invalid faux. and left?ui the turn. Alexander Segert, the cr?or del’.affiche, cultivates the provocation under an appearance smoothes the originator of the posters of l’.UDC is located?a right party. Sylvain Besson His art, c’.est of r?anger a HT? complex?uelque thing of compr?nsible for l’.homme of the street. And, in l’.accomplissement of this mission, Alexander Segert, originator of the advertising campaigns of l’.UDC since ann?, n’.a not fear of shocking. But its work critical ant?eurs n’.ont never provoqu?e as sharp as those suscit? by l’.affiche of the red rats. Does Quadrag?anger with the fresh, clean face on him and d’.une exquisite courtesy, Alexander Segert seem somewhat?anl?ar pol?que the qu’.il has d?ench? Ce which touches me profond?nt, c’.est qu’.on makes a bringing together between my German origins and national-socialisme. Almost racist C’.est, explains it at Time. I did not know that the Nazis had utilis?ette image, ensures it. On the other hand, it had anticip?es violent r?tions of the other parties: On in?it conscious, and that?it wanted by the customer. Because l’.UDC has? ?oitement associ??a design of l’.affiche: l’.image of the rats has? reserve at the time d’.une r?ion in the buildings of the party and lengthily discut?avec its direction. Does its use have? express?nt approuv?apr?consultation d’.un dictionary d?ivant the rat (Ratte) like a noxious animal which d?re r?rves of grain. Nous wanted to start again the political d?t, explains Alexander Segert. Well qu’.il is not member of the direction of the party, the advertising executive plays a R? strat?que crucial within l’.UDC. The victorious countryside of the?ctions f?rales, with its chicken plum?t its qualit?uisse. slogan, carries its claw. The day of l’.?ction of Christoph Blocher to the Council f?ral, it?it in the room of the lost steps, in the medium of the leaders of l’.UDC. This place of foreground, Alexander Segert owes it?on work, but also?es id?. Student, he is member of the VPM, a grouping ultraconservator often d?it like a psychosecte., which s’.attaque with the fanatic totalitarism. left nouvelle. and critical the school r?rmes, drug and l’.homosexualit?Il approach then d’.Ulrich Schl?, l’.id?ogue of l’.UDC zurichoise, and?te p?odic Alarm and B?er und Christ (citoyen and chr?en.). The left reproaches?ette publication of the tendencies islamophobes., parce qu’.elle puts in gardecontre.ḻ.infiltration crawling of l’.islam on the grounds chr?ennes d’.Occident.. It is also oppos??’.avortement. On can d?nser of the million publicit?mais of it, if the product does not go, that does not serve?ien. The publicit?ermet to only show the potential?cteurs in what the party can help them. Thus, Alexander Segert had con?son qualit?uisse. slogan like a r?nse?’.ins?rit?lobale.: Face?a vague of terrorism, with the?d?es, people have a need. Aggressive and percussion, the Segert style is also risqu?Il has there one year, l’.affiche n?e. showing Switzerland with the nose perc?vait suscit?es r?cences within l’.UDC it-m?. Do voices s’.?ient?v? in the rows of the centre right-hand side to ask the party to put an end?on escalade. propaganda. ZURICH - L’.avocat am?cain ED Fagan goes d?ser a complaint against l’.UBS in the name of the shareholders of ḻ.ancian groups Nazi IG Farben. Does the complaint relate to the assets of IG Chemie/Interhandel, a subsidiary company of the soci? allemande. The pr?ntions of the plaintiffs relate to more d’.un billion franks, has indiqu?’.avocat am?cain. It has annonc?a d?uverte new documents which would accuse l’.UBS. Fagan requires moreover?a banks and with the Swiss government to provide documents “.rest?cach?au public since more than 50 ans”. The bank has rejet?at?riquement the charges, qu’.elle completely injustif judge?. L’.UBS n’.a not yet? inform?officiellement of the complaint. In 1983, IG Farben in liquidation which G? does the succession of German group IG Farben, d?ntel?t near to the Nazism, have D? entam?n long proc?contre l’.UBS so d’.obtenir 100 million dollars. The German part however lost the proc?en 1988. More subsidies for Radio operator Oasen C’.est a sad Danish exception: Radio Oasen (Radio Oasis) is the only radio n?azie autoris??mettre in Europe. A scandal that d?nce for a long time the national Movement counters the Nazism: Non only one radio n?azie has the right d’.?ttre, but in more l’.Etat subsidizes it.
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