March 07, 2008
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°This is international year Internet space for the community gathering in Beziers in August 2004 to explores the natural of vocation in the spirit of the RSHM. °Este 3rd um espaço of Internet dedicado to comunidade internacional that reuniu EM Béziers EM Agosto of 2004 visando has exploraçäo da natureza das vocaçöes No espirito das RSCM. Ploughed for the third time will feira faith O dia da despedida, tendo havido uma oração of encerramento organizada por um grupo COM representantes of todas have nações participentes. One Monday we walked from Murviel, where Appollonie Pèlissier was born, to Autignac, 12 km away, where her husband Eugene Cleans was born. Along the road we meditated one to their story and the story of Naomi and Ruth from the bible, have recounted by Sr Marie Domenica. Segunda will feira O dia faith preenchido COM uma visited às aldeias back arredores of Béziers that relacionam of alguma was formed COM has história C IRSCM. De Murviel prosseguimos pé Autignac para, will terra native of Eugene Cure, numa bem longa caminhada that our permitiu to reflectir sober A história of Rute. No caminho tivemos duas paragens: uma para almoçar E outraged para uma prova vinhos da região. O almoço serviu para descansar E para conhecer melhor has história C casal Cure, EM particular has of Appollonie Pèlissier (Mother St Jean Na emptied religiosa E Co-fundadora C IRSCM): numa perspectiva of coragem, perda E luted para to prosseguir, fizémos O paralelo COM O percurso of Rute. With fotografia O grupo internacional todo with carried dessa igreja (worm O tema faith também tratado will mostra to luz da historia C Instituto RSCM, tendo sido sublinhado O espirito concilador of Mother St Jean that permitiu has todas have irmäs, sob has mesma denominaçäo, encontrar O melhor of if para to permitir "um so corpo Na Internacionalidade". Como has irmä Lucinda, Portuguesa, said: "Ainda fico COM fome of Portugal". EM particular, fomos visitar "Eclùses", sistema the diques ones that faz has elevaçäo back barcos, permitindo às àguas C channel subirem um assembles posted by Joao Pereira @ Monday, August 23, 2004. Queridas Bernadette, Marie France, Mary Jô E Isabel. Ilza de Lourdes RSCM, Vitoria, Brasil. Forty, young people came from Portugal, of Ireland, of Scotland, of the Country of Wales, of England, of Poland and France. Why they decided to come to spend one week to Béziers. The Portuguese constitute, by far, the group most. They are 15 young people, framed by S?ur Teresa and S?ur Cândida. They come from Lisbon, Braga, Fatima, of Oporto, of Torres Novas. It should be said that in Portugal, the foundation of the Gailhac Father really essaimé. There are in this country, 43 communities of Crowned C?ur of Marie with 343 s?urs active. And one does not count those which support other communities a little everywhere in the world. They are present in several countries of Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Colombia...), in Italy, in France, in Rome... The motivations of the young people Portugais.O N wanted to be found with other young people and with of S?urs of Crowned C?ur of Marie..., it is an advisability of knowing the Head office...,.on devotes one week of our holidays to the joint life of our religion..., one week of division and of strong spirituality... "Invited by the community of S?urs of SCM of Devèze, the three Biterrois young people of the group, Joséphine, Virginia and Joyce are there" pour to accomodate the others, to make known to them Béziers, to live in friendship with other people... ". Joyce, which is Rwandaise, refugee in France following the war in its country, makes its studies in assistance-looking after Montpellier to be. It hopes to find new friends: "I am very glad here to be, I did not think that that can bring to me as much to good..." the two Poles, Bartek and Jacob, are among young people of the group and still high-school pupils. The congregation of Crowned C?ur of Marie is it known in Poland. But makes some, my uncle who is a priest and works much with movements of the young people often goes to London. There, it had the occasion to know S?urs of the Congregation... and it sent to us as scouts... ", smiles Bartek. How are the young catholics in Poland. What makes in the life. The majority of young people, between 18-22 years are still students. They are cooker, psychologist, ergothérapeute, professor of physics-chemistry.... Arrived Tuesday and Wednesday, the young people will remain in our city one week, until Tuesday evening. After the day of Thursday, devoted to the launching of the meeting and the general knowledge of the city and area, Friday they worked on the topic Our roots, our baptism. The topics of the following days are: Friendship, Our gifts, Stages of the life and finally RSCM today. They will visit Béziers on the steps of Jean Gailhac, of his native house, by various points related to its action and its foundation. They will also go to Good Pasteur, one of the first places of the congregation with Béziers which is currently used for the reception of the old s?urs for Bulletin Parish Apotres Saints and Martyrs, Béziers A manhä C dia 21 of Agosto começou COM uma oraçäo animada pelo grupo irlandês versando O tema da amizade, indicador da temàtica C dia. Final No da oraçäo procedeu- with apresentaçäo participating backs simbolos, trabalhos artisticos, realizados pelos desta comunidade aqui formada. Os três trabalhos apresentados foram realizados por diferentes grupos, tendo O grupo português tomado has seu cargo liner has realizaçäo um deles, representando uma gota of àgua. O proposito desta simbologia pretendia to resumir has caminhada feita No dia anterior, peeled historia C Instituto, E representar O caminho of cada um No percurso deste encontro. Finalmente, A delays terminou COM uma missa celebrada our arredores of Béziers, tendo isso implicado uma looonga caminhada of Ida E of Volta posted by Joao Pereira @ Saturday, August 21, 2004.. These images created by groups reflecting one the topic of our sources. They were presented in our opening prayer service one Saturday 21st. In the footsteps of the Founders - Nas pegadas back Fundadores Virginia, Bernie, Joyce and Bartek one Old Bridge, with St The 12 steps cuts already been photodocumented by the group from Marymount school. Na delays of Sexta-feira tivemos has oportunidade visitar Béziers, numa perspectiva historica C Instituto, tendo sido guiados peeled Comunidade residente Na Put Mäe. Esta visited jà faith fotografada E documentada pelo grupo da escola of Marymount our EUA. The afternoon of Friday we had the advisability of visiting Béziers, from the historical point of view for the Institute, visits animated by the community of the Mére House. This visit has already étè photographed and illustrated by the group of the school of Marymount in the USA. French text with the collaboration of Sr Lucienne. After helping international custom launch our community in the morning, the Béziers community led drunk customs by to the beach At. Opening ceremony - lighting the flame. The 4th candle represents the English (and Irish. The other three represent Polish, French and Portuguese. We cuts also set up has multilingual communications TEAM so in future you may expect to see other languages one this blog. Father Gailhac and the Abbey of Fontfroide, near Narbonne, butt 40 km from Béziers, is have to form Cistercian abbey. Father Gailhac used to visit the abbey and received counsel from Father Marie-Jean who was Abbot there. The monastic community was again dispersed in the early share of the 20th century. The building remains have has wonderful will to the human search for God in its beautiful, rugged surroundings. The how contains year extract from france Maymard' S biography dealing with this training course of Gailhac' S life. Add things to your sidebar here. that they may cuts life iz wszyscy oni moga miec zycie Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary - Northern Europe (France, Britain and Ireland) Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary - Portugal Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary - Generalate Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary - the USA Scenes in Béziers associated with Gailhac Béziers Tourist Information and Map/Plan
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