March 05, 2008
Used wheelchairs
FFS: Travellers with handicap - Wheelchairs/Travellers with difficolt?eambulatorie. Wheelchairs/Travellers with difficolt?eambulatorie. Wheelchairs/Travellers with difficolt?eambulatorie Chair to rotelle/portatori of disabilità. motoria Attendance for the climb and the reduction from the train. For the travellers in wheelchair, to second of the type of carrozza, they come uses mobilift or rampe furnitures you. Attendance for the climb and the reduction from the train lend from private In all the stations without servicing for disabili travellers è. possible to rerun private all’.assistenza for the climb and the reduction from the train. The railroads decline whichever responsabilità. in case of damages or accidents. To second of the distance between the railroads, può. to happen that the reduced times puttinges to disposition for the change are not sufficient in order to catch up the coincidence train. The FFS Call Center Handicap sarà. lieto to supply the advising and all to you the information of the case. For i trains IC to two plans .viene of used norm one rampa mobile. You attend near before carrozza of 1°. class connected behind the locomotive. The locomotive is not found necessarily in head to the train. Trains diretti/RX with accompanyment from part of the staff of the train: l’.assistenza on these trains è. guaranteed dall’.inizio to the fine dell’.orario of service. Limitations: stations of Konolfingen, Langnau, Mü.nsingen, Morat: from hours 6 to the hours 20.asp): all the trains between the support stations are use of norm from hours 6 to hours 24 on the lines S2, S3, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, S12, S14, S16 (sab–.dom), S22, S26, S29, S30, S33, S35 and S41. You will be able to obtain information detailed on the service timetables turning you to the Call Center Handicap FFS. You inquire near the Call Center Handicap FFS or the private railroad in issue. The maximum dimensions and weights for the wheelchairs For being able some to guarantee the nell’.apposito transport bucket of carrozza the travellers, the wheelchair must respect the following limits of weight and dimensions: Weight: 250 kg (capacità. of cargo of mobilift) For the wheelchairs of weight/the advanced dimensions è. possible not to guarantee the servicing for the climb and the reduction from the train. You are moreover prays you to notify your travel to the FFS Call Center Handicap. For the groups with più. persons in wheelchair the service of transport è. subject to some restrictions. The trains to long distance IC to two plans decide of scompartimenti in which they can travel with until to a maximum of 10 persons in wheelchair. On all the other trains the groups, to second of the dimensions, can only travel in scompartimenti or trains separate to you. The FFS decide of two carrozze special for groups in wheelchair. These carrozze can be rented to one fixed forfettaria rate based on the covered distance. You can demand un’.offerta to the Rail Service 0900 300 300 (CHF 1. Traffic to long distance without scompartimento equipped for wheelchairs. The unprovided direct trains of carrozza of 2°. class equipped for wheelchairs are list to you in the list brought back here to flank. For all the relative details you to the intermediate stopped ones and the periods of circulation you can make reference the train number and consult electronic official or l’.orario l’.orario. Enclosed nocturnal buses and Nightbirds nell’.offerta FFS the buses use are not equip you to you of lowered pianale and they are not predisposed for the transport of travellers in wheelchair. Opportunità. of transport for the persons in wheelchair on the railway drafts with carrozze to pianale lowered the carrozze with lowered pianale they facilitate the climb and the reduction from the train to all the passengers. For eventual questions on purpose of the indications brought back here of continuation, you can address to the FFS Call Center Handicap. For information detailed you address to the Call Center Handicap FFS. To the support stations you obtain attendance in order to go up and to come down from the train, you can demand un’.assistenza from part of the railway staff. In warning lack you will be però. same responsibles of the climb operations and reduction. In the other same stations you must organize l’.assistenza in order to go up and to come down. For the travellers in wheelchair that goes up and comes down alone from the trains, the railroads decline whichever responsabilità. in left case of or accident. The circulation of the ultralow access vehicles può. not to be guaranteed. In case ce they are not any to disposition, will come employs substitutive vehicles to you whose approached è. not adapted for the wheelchairs. Unprovided direct trains of scompartimento equipped for Novità. in the Ticket Shop FFS. To acquire travels in train for the European countries limitrofi, in comfortable way and simple online. To amuse itself of più. and to spend less in the time.
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