March 05, 2008

U of u employment opportunuties

Site of the L Association of the Indigenous Bar (ABA)| Site of the L Association of the Indigenous Bar (ABA) Posting of Employment and Other Possibilit? This information is gracefully offered?os members. However, the ABA supports neither postings which are?m?s below, nor?blissements and employers who provided them. The ABA does not assume any responsabilit?n all?t of cause?'?rd of these postings. If you?s an employer or?blissement who d?re which one approves your posting, want to communicate with our Administrator? Will remain open until filled. The Faculty of Law invite applications for the position of Director, Indigenous Academic Services. Aboriginal student and admission recruitment. Organization and delivery of the academic support program. Counsel to the Aboriginal Law Students' Association. Development and pursuit of funding proposals for Indigenous Academic Services. Maintain good working relationships with the Aboriginal and University communities. Adequate Maintain year library and records system. Familiarity with the aboriginal culture and related resulting. This is has Trust/Research position with has salary arranges of $56,000 - $70,000 per annum, commensurate with the education and experiment of the selected candidate. This position has has understanding benefits package. Please submit has CV and three letters of reference have soon have possible. The appointment will remain open until has suitable candidate is selected. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply. however, permanent Canadians and residents will Be given priority. Yew suitable permanent Canadian citizens but residents cannot Be found, other individuals will Be considered. The University of Alberta hires one the basis of merit. We are committed to the principle of equity in employment. The M?s Nation of Ontario (MNO) is looking for has Senior Policy Advisor &ndash. Responsible Intergovernmental Affairs to oversee the Ontario-MNO Bilateral Tripartite Process and the Ontario-Canada-MNO Process. This is has permanent, full-time position. Salary is dependant one experiment, benefits enrolment after 6 months employment. The Advisor will Be has senior staff member based in the MNO&rsquo.s Head Office in Ottawa, reporting directly to the MNO&rsquo.s Executive Director. The duties and responsibilities are: Provide strategic advice, have required, to the MNO Executive and Executive Director of the MNO in relation to intergovernmental options gold prospects in various sector areas. Provide regular updates and briefings to the MNO&rsquo.s Executive Director and MNO&rsquo.s portfolio holder for intergovernmental affairs. Draft, prepare gold oversee development of correspondence, briefing notes and related policy positions/papers related to intergovernmental affairs for the MNO have required. Represent the MNO At year officials level, have required, in meeting with the Ontario Government gold Government of Canada. Graduation with has degree from has recognized university gold college. Demonstrated experiment in intergovernmental federal processes and experiment with and provincial policy development. business management, planning, development and implementation. Experiment in working in A fast-paced multi-exit environment, serving has wide arranges of varied internal and external interests. Valid driver&rsquo.s licence, applicable vehicle, insurance. and. We thank all applicants for to their interest, goal advise that only those selected for year interview will Be contacted. Interested and qualified let us persons should reply by February 29, 2008, 5 p. All applications must reference: Posting 022908 - OTT &ndash. SR DIRECTING POLICY G??AL, COURT OF The RIGHTS OF The PERSON DE L&rsquo.ONTARIO. To frame the activit?de operation and d&rsquo.administration of the Court, and to direct the personnel of the Court so that this one does fulfill the mission that him conf? the law. To give councils strat?ques to pr?dent Court. To maintain bonds with the personnel of the minist? of the Prosecutor g?ral. The person who occupies the post of director g?ral rel? pr?dent Court. Conna?e the questions Li? with the rights of the person in Ontario and to attach l& to it. To have d&rsquo.extraordinaires qualit?de chief and?e obviously able to give r?ltats in a complex medium and in?lution. To have know-how to tie profitable working relationships. To have l&rsquo.esprit d&rsquo.entreprise and?e able to provide services. To have obtained remarkable r?ltats by its collaboration with the top management and of the civils servant of the minist? and d&rsquo.autres organizations. ?re an end transfer and a fine n?ciator. To act with diplomacy and perspicacit?olitic. The candidatures owe?e re?s before the end of the date of cl?re. They owe?e given?&rsquo.attention of: Rosemarie Torres, Project of renewal of the syst? rights of the Minist person? of will the Prosecutor g?ral, Division of the Seules policies be contact? the people who will be invit? ?ne interview. The PUBLIC OFFICE DE L&rsquo.ONTARIO SUBSCRIBES TO The PRINCIPLE DE L&rsquo.?ALIT?DES CHANCES. University of Ottawa Community Legal Clinic Special funding has been received to provide year articling opportunity to year aboriginal student and to improve the delivery of legal services to the aboriginal community. This position is supported by has grant from The Law Foundation of Ontario. One year contract commencing in July 2008 Under the supervision of the staff lawyers, the student will represent customers in various areas of law. Have well, the student will Be actively involved in A community legal development project regarding the aboriginal community. For more information one the University of Ottawa Community Legal Clinic, please consult the web site At:. do experiment At the University of Ottawa Community Legal Clinic gold another student gold community legal clinic good knowledge of English and French Interested applicants are invited to submit to their resum? with has covering letter University of Ottawa Community Legal Clinic. Do all the candidates and candidates have to present their candidature either, initially, by pr?ntant the Form of information on the candidat/la candidate?a magistrature, or by sending a short letter (of 14 specimens) if the form running has? pr?nt?u course of. In the event of changes?pporter?n form D? envoy?le candidate or the candidate must send?ouveau 14 specimens of the form of information corrig?Si you want to present your candidature and that you need d&rsquo.un Formulaire information on the candidat/la candidate?a magistrature running, want t?phoner or?anger with: Comit?onsultatif on the nominations?a magistrature. Do the requests for candidature owe?e d?s? by l&rsquo.entremise of the form prescribes running and DACTYLOGRAPHI?S or CR?ES BY COMPUTER and re?s at the latest?6 H 30 Friday 15 f?ier 2008. THE CANDIDATES AND CANDIDATES MUST PROVIDE 14 SPECIMENS OF THEIR FORM OR THEIR LETTER OF CANDIDATURE. A t?copie will not be accept?que if 14 specimens of the form or the letter of candidature are?lement envoy?par service of transport 24 hours. One will n&rsquo.accordera NO consid?tion with the candidatures re?s apr?cette date. The provincial magistrature owes refl?r reasonably the diversit?e the qu&rsquo.elle population is useful. The candidatures of members of the minority groups are encourag?. Community legal private clinic of l.Universit?.Ottawa. This initiative is appuy?par a subsidy of the Foundation of the right of l.Ontario. Under the supervision of lawyers of the private clinic, l.?diant or l.?diante will repr?ntera customers?.?rd of questions concerning various fields of the right. Moreover, l.?diant or l.?diante will take an active part?n project of d?loppement legal Community destiny? the collectivit?utochtone. For further information on the Community legal Private clinic of l.Universit?.Ottawa, please consult the Web site?.adress www Exp?ence within the Community legal Private clinic of l&rsquo.Universit?&rsquo.Ottawa or d&rsquo.une another private clinic legal d&rsquo.?diants or legal private clinic Community Bonne knowledge of the fran?s and of l&rsquo.anglais the?diants and?diantes int?ss?par this station are invit??oumettre their curriculum vitae accompagn?.une letter of pr?ntation at the latest the 15 f?ier 2008? Community legal private clinic of l.Universit?.Ottawa. Through integrated advocacy including litigation, public education, and lobbying, the ACLU of civil Illinois works to protect and expand liberties.. The legal program has nine attorneys. Areas of present work include national security, racial and ethnic discrimination, free speech and association, religion, and criminal justice. Civil The Liberties Fellow will assist senior civil staff counsel in all aspects of liberties litigation, including trial and appellate work.. The Fellow will also public C speaking and work one legislative matters.. The fellowship is for one-year renewable terms.. Applications are for the term commencing Fall 2008. Applicants should Be coil-motivated, committed to civil liberties, and cuts the proven ability to work with has wide arranges of people.. Excel research and writing skills are has necessity.. Third-year law students and attorneys with one to three years of experiment are invited to apply. The salary will Be according to the ACLU salary scale.. Excel health and welfare benefits are provided. Applicants should send summarized, law school transcript, letter of interest, list of references, and legal writing sample.. Applications should Be feels to the Fellowship Committee, ACLU of Illinois, 180 N Michigan Avenue, Suite 2300, Chicago, Illinois 60601. Applications by email are not accepted............... REGULAR FULL-TIME POSITION - VANCOUVER This position is only open to let us persons of special Aboriginal ancestry pursuant to program approval granted by the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal. Design and implement has broad arranges of Aboriginal community projects, programs and services. Prepare business boxes and project charters for Aboriginal community projects, programs and services. Identify and create teams for projects, programs and services including LSS representatives staffs and Aboriginal community and contractors have needed. Manage projects, programs and services including contracts, implementation oversight, budget, working relationships, scope, timelines, and components evaluation. Monitor other LSS departments and divisions activities related to Aboriginal projects, programs and services. Provide reporting one projects, programs and services. Represents the Society At internal and external meeting. Makes presentations to stakeholders, community groups, Policy and Committee Planning, Executive Management Committee. participates in committee work. Investigate specific Aboriginal communities&rsquo. legal needs. Identify areas for improvement in service delivery to Aboriginal communities for current LSS legal services and initiatives. Develop and maintain strong relationships with Aboriginal communities throughout the province. Develop and implement communication focused plans one LSS services to Aboriginal communities and one communications between LSS offices and Aboriginal communities. Develop, coordinate and manages year Aboriginal consultative/advisory process including arranging meeting and diaries. Develop and implement has consultation strategy for each proposed project, program and service. Draft resulting papers, policies and charters for projects, programs and services targeted to Aboriginal people. Draft, negotiate, and administer contracts for projects, programs and services. Terminates gold approves contract renewals based one performance. Participates in the hiring and selection of staff/contractors for projects, programs and services, assists in establishing selection guidelines and recruiting process. Assists in the development of budgets for projects.. Monitors expenditures and revisions to budget detail. Provide input and expertise one Aboriginal exits in the strategic planning process. Act have has mentor/coach for Aboriginal staff/contractors working for LSS. Identify training needs/opportunities to provide stakeholders, communities and lawyers with information butt Aboriginal exits. Assess legal trends and justice exits to aid in the identification of producing coil-help materials for aboriginal people.. Review and provide advice and feedback one training materials one Aboriginal exits. Provides advice and recommendations one policy, administration and management exits impacting projects, programs and services for Aboriginal people. Monitor external policy, trends and legal developments which cuts has potential impact one legal aid service delivery to Aboriginal people.. Maintain current awareness of developments in aboriginal affairs and aboriginal justice. Provides assistance and support to other LSS departments one projects, programs and services having year impact one Aboriginal peoples and communities. Content design and deliver aboriginal presentations At LSS conferences and staff training sessions. Bachelors degree in A depending field such have Law, Business, Public Administration, Social Sciences Gold year equivalent combination of education and five experiment Minimum of (5) years experiment working within the Aboriginal community. Excel knowledge of social Aboriginal justice exits and Canada&rsquo.s justice and legal system. Extensive project management skills and knowledge of project management methods, procedures and principles. Demonstrated ability to manages multiple projects simultaneously. Demonstrated conflict resolution, facilitation and negotiating skills. Strong understanding of Aboriginal exits, cultures have well have Aboriginal community groups and agencies. Clear understanding of current resulting affecting Aboriginal communities. Extensive knowledge of traditional native justice concepts, alternative measures, mediation and diversion practices. Strong awareness of government laws and policies impacting Aboriginal peoples. Verbal Demonstrated written and communication skills and the ability to Foster and work within has TEAM multi-discipline environment. Leadership, supervision, interpersonal, administrative mediation, and excel skills. Ability to assess needs of Aboriginal communities and stakeholders and develop/implement new gold modified services and programs with available resources. Ability to communicate and reports to Aboriginal people and to their communities, with sensitivity to farming and tribal/nation differences. Familiar with the structure and history of Aboriginal communities within BC. Salary:........................ Have per the Excluded Management Salary Interested candidates should submit has covering letter, together with has r?m?outlining how to their qualifications meet the above position requirements, to:. We would like to thank all external applicants for to their interest goal regret that only those shortlisted will Be contacted. to download this posting in pdf format.

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